FULL ESTHETIC – Immediate Rehabilitation in Aesthetic Areas

Course Details

At the end of the course, the student should be able to identify and apply techniques for rehabilitation with implants in aesthetic areas. They will master concepts related to surgery, the manipulation of peri-implant soft tissues, and the prosthetic aspect.

In addition to mastering these concepts, the student will have the opportunity to practice their application and learn to identify and master the techniques through hands-on practice on mannequins.

1st MODULE – Theoretical/Laboratory
Duration: 8 hours
Instructors: Tiago Margutti and Túlio Margutti

  • Principles of Implantology
  • Immediate Loading in Implantology
  • Bioengineering of Dental Implants
  • GAP Filling
  • Alveolar Preservation
  • Ideal Positioning
  • Biometry in Implantology
  • Manipulation of Peri-implant Soft Tissues
  • Hands-On Practice


2nd MODULE – Theoretical/Laboratory
Duration: 8 hours
Instructors: Tiago Margutti and Túlio Margutti

  • Principles of Implant-supported Prosthetics
  • Prosthetic Components – Types and Indications
  • Materials and Techniques for Impression in Implantology
  • Provisional Restorations in Implantology
  • Hands-On Practice

At the end of the training, participants are entitled to a Training Certificate in accordance with Regulatory Decree No. 35/2002, as well as certification recognised and issued by SIGO, a governmental entity, as stipulated in Decree-Law No. 14/2017, of 26 January.

Our training, and consequently our certificates, also comply with the requirements of the Labour Code, Law No. 93/2019, of 4 September, which establishes the obligation for continuous training in companies, stipulating a minimum duration of 40 hours annually per worker.


Aceitar os Termos *

Course Details



  • Hold a higher education degree (Bachelor’s or Master’s).
  • Completion of the mandatory Admission Form.
  • Submission of the following documents:
    1. Curriculum Vitae
    2. Copy of Academic Qualification Certificate
    3. Copy of Citizen Card/Identification Card and Tax Identification Number (NIF)
    4. Copy of OMD card or, if foreign, Dentist Registration from the Local Order.